I suppose I'm starting this thing back up. Not that it ever got off the ground in the first place, but we'll see where it goes this time. The purpose of this blog is mostly going to be more of a journal for me, I think. I've decided that since I'm going to be going on tons of adventures in the future, I should have something other than just pictures to remember them by. I'd like to go back and read what kinds of awesome, stupid, or strange things I did. If anyone else wants to read along, then all the better.
So let's start off. My first and second adventure of this blog are kind of starting at the same time. I'm headed to see some friends in Houston this weekend (woot woot!), and I've finally decided that I'm going to Europe. I'm not just talking about it anymore (like I have for years). I have dates, I put in for a leave of absence from work (which has been tentatively granted), I know which rail pass to get, I have my list of destinations, and I've started buying stuff. This is happening. For two months. It's gonna be awesome, y'all.
Anyway, there's my intro. Perhaps you can learn from the mistakes I'll most certainly make along the way, and I might even realize those mistakes and have some pointers for future travelers. Read along if you wish. Live vicariously through me. Laugh at me. Laugh with me. Be bored with me. Forget this exists (because I probably will). Let's just do it.
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